
The number of religiously unaffiliated Americans is growing rapidly; however, this community is severely underrepresented in the political arena.

As more and more people are willing to publicly proclaim their lack of religious beliefs or religious affiliation, the bias against this community is beginning to diminish.

At the same time, the lines between religion and government become increasingly blurred as lawmakers at all levels of government cater to Christian Nationalists and carry out their political agenda. In the face of this assault on the First Amendment and the religious freedoms it protects, Secular Elected Officials must be vigilant in protecting our Constitution and ensuring that our government protects the freedoms of all faiths and none.

By openly serving as secular elected officials our members help dispel the prejudice against the nonreligious community, encourage other members of this community to run for office, and make our democracy stronger. These elected officials do not hold theistic or other supernatural beliefs and seek to govern and advance public policy based on evidence, reason, and compassion. They use many identifiers, including: atheist, humanist, agnostic, skeptic, nonreligious, freethinker, nonbeliever, religiously unaffiliated, and/or spiritual but not religious. We use the word “secular” as shorthand for the wide variety of nonreligious identifiers our members choose.

The goal of this association is to help elected officials be authentic about their beliefs and ethics, and provide a forum for elected officials to connect with each other for education, support and fellowship.


Secular Elected Officials must stand up and be a public voice on issues of church-state separation, actively oppose discrimination against the nonreligious and other religious minorities, and promote evidence-based public policy.


We are a resource on secular issues pertaining to healthcare, the environment, civil and human rights, and other areas of policy in which religion is entangled with our government and where a secular, evidence-based approach would achieve better results for the constituents our members are elected to serve.


We provide a forum for connecting, sharing, and learning with other secular elected officials across the country.


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Email Address

Leonard Presberg, Founder


Phone Number

Leonard Presberg, Founder
